Movie Resident Evil 3: Extinction
Movie Resident Evil: Extinction (RE:E) is set five years after the catastrophic events that took place in Raccoon City in the second film, Resident Evil: Apocalypse (RE:A). The Umbrella Corporation had failed to quarantine the outbreaks of the T-Virus, which resulted in about 98% of the world’s population being infected. The story begins with a handful of human survivalists traveling around the remnants of the desolate world in heavily armored convoys. The movie setting takes place primarily in a now barren, deserted Las Vegas wasteland and Alice (Milla Jovovich), the movie’s main protagonist, leads the caravan of human survivors through the Nevada desert on a long trek to Alaska, where it was discovered that there are no infections. Along the way, it is determined that the heinous Umbrella Corporation is continuing its evil work and must be destroyed once and for all. And so the stage is set for the last movie in the Resident Evil trilogy: Sought after by the evil underlings of the diabolical Dr. Isaacs, Alice has Undeads hungry for her flesh, and lab rats hungry for her blood - whilst Alice hungers for only one thing: revenge!
Movie Reviews Credit By: worstpreview
Movie Reviews Credit By: worstpreview
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