Southland Tales
Set in the year 2008, in a futuristic Los Angeles landscape, a socially, economically, and environmentally dysfunctional society is on the verge of an apocalypse following a nuclear terrorist attack on Texas a few years earlier. An action star named Boxer Santaros (The Rock), who has suddenly been stricken with amnesia, teams up with his new porn-star girlfriend Krysta Now (Sarah Michelle Gellar) to write an illuminating screenplay about the impending apocalypse. Krysta is actually quite a savvy businesswoman that is using him to help advance her career as a mainstream talk show host.
Both of them have secret lives that the other one is not aware of and in Boxer’s case, even he no longer remembers who he is due to the memory loss. Meanwhile, Baron Von Westphalen (Wallace Shawn) has invented an intricate machine that solves America’s energy crises, but may ultimately lead to the destruction of the entire world. And either one or both of the twin brothers Roland and Ronald Taverner (Sean William Scott) might hold the secret to a vast conspiracy. The stories of these people as well as many others intertwine over a ghastly heat wave during a Fourth of July weekend.
Both of them have secret lives that the other one is not aware of and in Boxer’s case, even he no longer remembers who he is due to the memory loss. Meanwhile, Baron Von Westphalen (Wallace Shawn) has invented an intricate machine that solves America’s energy crises, but may ultimately lead to the destruction of the entire world. And either one or both of the twin brothers Roland and Ronald Taverner (Sean William Scott) might hold the secret to a vast conspiracy. The stories of these people as well as many others intertwine over a ghastly heat wave during a Fourth of July weekend.
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